At AViSTO, technical culture is present everywhere:
We are proud of this technical DNA! But how does this differentiate us from other companies?
Originally, AViSTO was a software publisher in the Sophia Antipolis Telecom Valley. When we launched our services business, we wanted to remain consistent with ourselves and keep the software development business as a core competency.
Today, the software development axis accounts for two-thirds of AViSTO’s business, the remaining third being reserved for peripheral activities (in particular Business Intelligence, Big Data or IT Security).
We kept the business distribution of a “classic” software publishing company.
“If man has two ears and one mouth, it is to listen twice more than he speaks” said Confucius.
We implement this maxim on a daily basis (even if necessarily, some of us are more loquacious than others!) to fully understand the wishes of our engineers and our candidates, to position them on the most relevant projects.
As Christophe, a regional manager of AViSTO, says, “The services industry is not necessarily a balance of power and the relationship between an employee and an employer can and must be healthy and balanced. The engineer has a say in his evolution and day-to-day tasks. This does not of course mean that he will only do what he likes, but we will listen to his wishes and we will do our best to respond favorably.”
Yes, but the best of the geek! When we recruit a new engineer, we strive to find a personality that combines technical potential, passion and human qualities, so that we can enjoy working together.
The transition is perfect to talk about you, perhaps the future AViSTO engineer ..