DevSecOps Engineer
In an environment where development cycles are increasingly short and frequent, where operating systems must be protected, the role of the DevSecOps engineers are more and more fundamental....
What are the main jobs in a software engineering company? What educational background is necessary? What skills are required? For what salary? What vacancies are available? With these job descriptions, discover the jobs at AViSTO (the list is not exhaustive!)
In an environment where development cycles are increasingly short and frequent, where operating systems must be protected, the role of the DevSecOps engineers are more and more fundamental....
Make raw data useful; in other words, produce clear information which can be understood by the human being....
In web we trust!...
It is a process of creation and the Java is the tool that allows its realization....
With .Net, the developer can reach all platforms, it allows him to constantly diversify....
The developer is a computer engineer who designs software based on an architecture, a programming language and a technological environment....