Business intelligence consultant

Business Intelligence Consultant

Discover the Business Intelligence consultant job: role, educational background, skills, salary and job opportunities at AViSTO. It is also possible to submit an unsolicited application.

Summary :

Business Intelligence Consultant’s Role

At AViSTO, this engineer is specializing in the exploitation of data to facilitate decision-making.

His work often starts with a discussion with the client, such as a marketing or sales department, in order to clearly define the need and the associated specifications.

This new need is being carefully examined, which can include a feasibility study if necessary.

Once the project framework is properly defined, the business intelligence consultant will start developing the new process, starting with recovering all potentially useful information.
Let’s take the example of an ecommerce website: the data can come from purchases made on the website itself through webmarketing campaigns (mailings, social networks, affiliation …), on a market place etc.
These purchases were made by new customers, former customers, website employees, customers based abroad etc.
Thus, the volume of data can quickly become exponential, since the largest ecommerce websites have tens of millions of unique visitors each month, even more.

The business intelligence consultant then moves on to the analysis phase. He faces many different types of data, coming from different sources. He will use an ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) tool to extract, collect and analyze them.
He will also be able to compare them to information already present in the database, to obtain more metrics.

Finally, after testing and putting the process into production, he will present the relevant information to the decision maker in the form of graphics and reports so that the latter can optimize the results of his business, for example at the sales level.

How to become a business intelligence consultant

To become a business intelligence consultant at AViSTO, you have to be graduated from an engineering school with a specialization in business intelligence or in the processing of data.
Having followed an equivalent master degree at the university is also possible.


The business intelligence consultant must first and foremost possess a business perspective; in other words, understand the data available to choose the most interesting and know how to exploit them. This requires a good dose of intellectual curiosity so as not to stop at the raw data.

At the technical level, you need to have skills in SQL, database administration, Business Intelligence (eg use an ETL tool such as Pentaho, or a reporting tool like SSRS), big data and data mining.

Finally, programming skills can be helpful in bringing out rules from the data. We then tend to get closer to the data scientist role.


In France, the business intelligence consultant, at the beginning of his career, generally receives a salary of between € 33K and € 36K.

Business Intelligence Consultant Jobs

AViSTO regularly recruits business intelligence consultants! You can respond to an offer on our job board, or submit an unsolicited application.