Work Packages

Within a cluster dedicated to work packages / fixed-price projects, AViSTO teams are placed under the responsibility of a technical director. Reinforced by experts, they are supervised on a daily basis by experienced project managers who ensure the proper application of ISO-certified AViSTO methodologies.

Work Package Services

AViSTO offers technical solutions and a budget estimate in response to the specifications describing the needs of its client.

To carry out the projects, AViSTO proposes a development plan and a quality assurance plan that has been designed and developed in accordance with the requirements of ISO-9001 standard. Arrangements are of course possible depending on the specific needs of the customer (compliance with safety standards for example).

For each project, AViSTO ensures with its client that the proposed procedure is adapted to the expectations and the context, in order to guarantee a smooth development without superfluous elements.

In software consulting mode, AViSTO has a means-driven engagement. In work package / flat rate mode, AViSTO has a result-driven engagement.

Work Package based software development

AViSTO’s work package-based software development activity has its own structure made up of experts placed under the responsibility of a technical director and a business unit manager.

The additional resources needed to complete the work are proposed by AViSTO regional agencies, as for a customer interested in software consulting intervention mode.

Work Package Project Management

Project management of work package intervention mode / fixed price projects is based on two committees:

  • The project committee, in charge of operational monitoring of the progress of the project
  • The Steering Committee, in charge of contract, project and arbitration management

These two committees meet regularly; meeting minutes are providing which include the summary of the decisions taken and the detailed action plan that will be implemented by the AViSTO project manager with his technical teams.

Lastly, throughout the project, different contractual reviews are planned (kick-off, technical verification, closing).

Do you want to consult AViSTO as part of the realization of software developments based on work packages? We are at your disposal to study your project and propose you an estimate!