Christophe Parmentier
After joining AViSTO in 2005, then being IT project manager, business manager and regional manager, Christophe Parmentier is promoted again within the software engineering company. Press release.
Sophia Antipolis and Paris, March 20th 2018 – AVISTO announces the appointment of Christophe PARMENTIER as Operations Manager. He takes charge of the management of the AViSTO’s technical centers located in the cities of Sophia Antipolis (headquarters), Paris, Rennes, Nantes, Grenoble, Lyon, Aix-en-Provence and Toulouse.
In 2002, Christophe Parmentier began his career as a software engineer in the world of telecom; he develops, integrates and follows projects mainly implementing the HP OpenView TeMIP product.
He joined AVISTO in 2005 as an IT project manager and is involved in various developments of NemSiS, the network monitoring software designed by AVISTO.
In 2008, he became business manager for the PACA technical center, based in Sophia Antipolis. He developed a portfolio of clients and managed the entire business, from needs analysis to the conclusion of the sale of IT services (work package offers, studies, consulting, consulting, architecture …). In addition to the technical and commercial approach, he ensured the recruitment and monitoring of AVISTO engineers.
In April 2013, Christophe Parmentier was promoted to PACA regional manager. He went on the activities related to his role of business manager, while managing the Sophia Antipolis technical center.
Since January 2018, he took charge of the operations of AViSTO, while keeping his role of PACA regional manager.